Please note that artificial influences are only visible to regulator users (due to data rights). You require read/write permissions in the Staging System to create, edit or delete artificial influence data.

What is a complex influence?

A complex influence consists of a 26 point annual Impact Duration Curve (IDC). They can have a negative (abstraction) or positive (discharge) effect or a combination of a positive effect on some parts of the FDC and negative on others.

Each point of the IDC is the impact on the flow at the corresponding natural flow percentile. The influenced flow is a sum of the complex influence and the natural flows, similar to abstractions and discharges.

These influence features replicate the type used in the Environment Agency CAMS ledger.

Site details

You can save the following details for complex influences sites:


Impact at complex influences

The impact of a complex influence is represented using a 26 point annual IDC (Q1, Q10, Q20, Q30, Q40, Q50, Q55, Q60, Q65, Q70, Q75, Q80, Q82, Q84, Q86, Q88, Q90, Q92, Q94, Q95, Q96, Q97, Q98, Q99, Q99.5, Q99.9). Use the image.png button to view and edit the IDC details.



Licence details

The licence details are summarised in the header. Use the image.pngbutton to view and edit them.
