Please note that artificial influences are only visible to regulator users (due to data rights). You require read/write permissions in the Staging System to create, edit or delete artificial influence data.
What is an impounding reservoir?
An impoundment feature typically consists of a licence covering the impoundment, site details and purpose details describing the impoundment regime.
Qube classifies impoundments as significant or insignificant: significant impoundments impact downstream flows, whereas insignificant impoundments do not, and are held for contextual information only.
Site details
You can save the following details impoundments.
Note the checkbox at the bottom that marks an impoundment as significant.
Release Duration Curve
RDC summary
The Release Duration Curve (RDC) dataset describes the impact of the reservoir on downstream flows. These are required for all significant impoundments. The RDC is illustrated for the site as a monthly profile.
Use the button to view and edit the RDC details.
RDC details
An RDC set can be uploaded to the site as a CSV file. Sample and blank template import files are available to download here: RDC sample or RDC template.
The RDC sets are monthly curves that describe the flows (release and spills) from the reservoir corresponding to 101 exceedence probabilities for each month. The estimation of RDC sets for a reservoir requires consideration of abstraction regime from the reservoir, transfers to and from the reservoir, and compensation flow requirements.